Friday, April 21, 2017

IBM z Systems Benelux Study Tour unveils benefits of the modern mainframe

IBM z Systems Benelux Study Tour unveils benefits of the modern mainframe
Ask anyone on the street to tell you what they think of when you say the word “car” and you will get descriptions of the latest Ferrari, BMW or Porsche. You will never get a description of the first car by Carl Benz back in 1886.  When you ask the same thing about the word “mainframe”, you will get a description of a huge, room-filling computer from the 70s with spinning tapes in the background. In most cases you will not get the image of today’s stealth-like designed, state-of-the-art computer the IBM mainframe really is. To get people up to date on modern mainframe technology, IBM offers people who are interested in the IBM z Systems a Benelux Study Tour from May 15 to 19 2017. This trip will go to the IBM Client Center in Manhattan, New York.
There they will learn that worldwide 80% of all transactional data still reside on mainframes and that 90% of all credit card transactions pass through this modern IT-platform. Why ? Because of the proven availability, scalability and security of IBM z Systems, in conjunction with new technologies and imperatives like blockchain, hybrid cloud, instant payments and data privacy regulations. And with the vast amount of data on mainframes, it is only logical to do the analytics close to the data. This enables real-time analytics. This makes it possible eg. for insurance firms to detect potential fraud in real-time, before any settlement is paid or document is signed.

Day 1

The agenda of the first day of the z Systems Study Tour is composed of several sessions: one is on the trends in enterprise IT-architecture. Here we will discuss what workload to put on what IT-platform and why. Participants will also get a glimpse into what the future holds for IBM z Systems and LinuxONE (IBM’s dedicated Linux environment on z Systems architecture). As well as how to minimize costs of, for instance, distributed Oracle environments by consolidating on Linux on mainframe or on LinuxONE. We end the first day showing you why LinuxONE is the ideal platform for your blockchain environment.

Day 2

The second day starts with an overview of the new workload strategy for IBM z Systems: (real-time) analytics, hybrid cloud, the API economy, … and a reference case is also on the agenda. Mainframe as cloud server?  Yes, indeed. Cloud is all about agility and scalability: what to think of the possibility to create 80.000 virtual servers in one box, with a single click of the mouse? That is the flexibility needed in an agile cloud environment. Furthermore, on the agenda: cognitive computing (artificial intelligence, self-learning systems, …) and the architectural considerations around it plus of course IBM Watson. We close the day with our IBM Research department giving you insight in the newest of the newest: quantum computing.

Day 3

On the last day we will discuss the IT-impact of European rulings and regulations on data privacy (GDPR) and payments. Having z Systems as platform, increases the ease of compliance with these regulations. We end the day with a presentation on Security on z Systems and on digital transformation.
Want to join this IBM z Systems study tour? Have a look at the program and the application form.
Enrollments end on April 13, so be sure to reserve your seat!

Download the application form >>>
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